Inuit art: Full Skull Muskox
Inuit Artist: N/A
Size: 28" wide, 20" deep, 10" tall
Community: Ulukhatok, Gjoa Haven 2020
Material: musk ox horn and skull
id: c-
**NOTE This Muskox skull IS EXPORTABLE to the UNITED STATES. It is not a restricted material.
** This item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan
This is the most complete muskox skull I have eve seen.
It is a real treasure.
This muskox died from natural causes.
The skull was picked up by someone who saw it lying on the ground.
The animal was likely brought down by a wolf.
The preservation and fullness of this skull is perfect.
A muskox is an extremely exotic animal like no other in North America.
This is an intriguing specimen.
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Muskoxen are completely covered with an under layer of short fine wool of exceptional warmth (qiviut), except for the horns, hooves, lips and nose. The longer outer coat of shaggy hair covering the animal is about a half-metre long and often hangs almost to the ground. It gives the muskox its characteristic appearance. Rounded hooves with sharp rims provide traction on ice and rocky surfaces.
The coat is generally dark brown or almost black. It is extremely shaggy on the shoulders and forms a distinct mane, especially noticeable on bulls. Behind the shoulders is a short white or creamy yellow "saddle". The lower legs have light brown to white "stockings". The muskox's inner wool, or ‘qiviut’, is of exceptional quality, with the weight and warmth of cashmere.
Muskoxen are very social animals. They live in loosely organized herds of about 15 animals, or sometimes larger.
Muskoxen crossed into Northern America about 90,000 years ago when the Bering Strait was dry land. When the last glacier covered North America, muskoxen survived in ice-free areas or ‘glacial refugia’ in the northern Arctic islands and Greenland. As the ice retreated, muskox spread throughout northern Canada and Greenland before moving westward into Alaska.
Today, muskoxen in the Northwest Territories (NWT) are found on Banks, Eglinton, Melville and Victoria Islands and on the mainland from the Arctic coast southwest to Artillery Lake.