Derrald Taylor Collection
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In 2018, I came across an image of an exquisite small caribou no more than 3" tall. I was enchanted by this perfect small piece and was determined to meet the artist. When I met Derrald Taylor, I was taken with his commitment to his craft.

Derrald has carved some of the most ambitious carvings I have ever seen. His imagination and skill are unique and inspirational. There are several artists who excite my Curator spirit. Derrald Taylor is one of those artists. I rip open the boxes that contain his carvings because I know that I am about to encounter both genius and beauty.
Close behind the Orcas, is a favourite of mine, the narwhal. This piece is so perfect and so exquisite that someday it could easily be found in an Art Museum.
The colour of this marine mammal is a gorgeous glossy black that reflects light and outlines every detail of the narwhal. The curvature of the body is long and sleek but still muscular. And finally, that magnificent tusk! Taylor has scalloped the edges of the tusk which is not typically seen in Inuit art but is a signature of Derrald's.
This narwhal is truly a Masterpiece!
And finally, Derrald's Caribou. This caribou has a spirit that is bold and regal. His antlers are fierce; they are meant to maim.
This majestic beast is striding with purpose. The deep pumpkin colour of the stone is surprising and mesmerizing.
Caribous are a difficult subject to carve because the lower legs are narrow and fragile and prone to breaking during the carving process. It is a testament to Taylor's skill and determination to take on the challenge of a caribou and also a caribou of a smaller size.
I am a huge fan of Derrald Taylor.
Guaranteed, in a few more decades he will be one of Canada's top Master Carvers.