Men's Size 9 Ivory Ring by Lucassie Nakoolak *Circle of Life*

View entire collection by:
Lucassie Nakoolak

$680.00 CAD

Inuit art: Ivory Ring
Inuit Artist:  Lucassie Nakoolak
Size: Men's Size 9 (approximately)
Community: Coral Harbour, NU 21
Material: Ivory 

**Exportation Restrictions for this carving***

Due to CITES export restrictions, we can only ship this beautiful masterpiece to a Canadian address.

Do you see the beluga whale that completes the circumference of this handsome ring?

Can you imagine the interest you will draw when you wear this Inuit ring?

Jewellry making has become a popular industry in the far North.  The artists use multiple media which includes silver, ivory, shells, and stone.

The Dene beading artists in the Northwest Territories are designing soft sueded gloves which are bejewelled with magnificent patterns of beads that are sought after internationally.

These are the artists of the modern Far North.  Innovative and forward thinking.

And please note.  The ivory is taken from tusks of walruses who are sacrificed for food not for sport.


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