4” Inuk Face by Lucas Aaluk Gjoa Haven *Tsarsis*

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Lucas Aaluk

$680.00 CAD

Inuit art: Inuk Face
Inuit Artist: Lucas Aaluk
Size: 4" high, 2.5” wide
Community: Gjoa Haven, NU 21
Material: Stone medium & Caribou bone
id: c-121

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If you didn't know this exquisitely carved Inuk face measured only 4", you would think it was a much larger piece.

Tsarsis is so realistic I believe I could feel the warmth from his body if I could touch his cheeks.

If I called out his name, his eyes would slowly open and for the first time Tsarsis and I would see each other.

Do you see his small perfect teeth? His sparse moustache?

In the short time I have had our Inuk in the Gallery , I have come to rely on his presence.

I believe that bone carvings such as this have a magnetic attraction that the stone carvings can't compete with.

See our notes on The Gjoa Haven Collection.


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