Nuna Parr Exhbition
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I feel compelled to notify you of my recent acquisition of two exquisite Nuna Parr bears.
Compelled? I want you to really understand the enormity of the situation surrounding Nuna Parr.

IF we could turn back time and IF this was the Renaissance period of art, Nuna’s reputation would parallel Michelangelo’s.
I am completely serious. Both sculptors have had an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.
Parr’s Dancing bears are THE standard to which Inuit artists are held. The iconic or quintessential Dancing bear is nearly always a Nuna Parr carving.
Both artists are considered to be one of the greatest artists of their lifetime. And both artists are considered by some, as the greatest artist of all time in their fields.
I truly believe that Nuna Parr’s mastery has made his Dancing bears the most famous in existence. Of course, there are a few other masterful carvers like Paul Maliki, and Manasie Akpaliapik for example. I am speaking specifically about the Dancing bear which is the most beloved subject in Inuit art.
Now back to present time. As I have discussed in my provenances and descriptions of Nuna’s bears in the last six months, Nuna has cut back dramatically in the number of carvings he produces per year. Each time I am lucky enough to acquire one of his carvings, I think this will be the last bear he will carve. Unfortunately time affects us all, even men as talented and revered as Nuna Parr.
These two Dancing bear carvings literally appeared to me in such a complex manner, I know it will never happen again.
Many of my clients wait years to be given the chance complete their collection with a Nuna Parr Dancing bear.
These two bears are well.... iconic and spectacular. Exquisite Nuna Parr bears.
THIS is your time to seriously think about whether one of these bears will become a significant member of your collection OR whether you want to gamble and hope that there will be more Nunas in the future.
I am more than approachable in discussing a personalized purchase plan with you.
Read the description on each of these majestic carvings.
And for some of you, I hope this will be the moment you finally have your Nuna bear in your collection. It will bring you a lifetime of joy.
Bryce Herron