12" SIGNATURE Hunter and Dog Sled BY Peter K. *Rest Stop*

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Peter K.

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Inuit art: Hunter and Dog Sled
Inuit Artist: Peter K.
Size: 12" across, 9" deep, 5.5" tall
Community: Yellowknife, NU 11/21
Material: musk ox horn
id: d-9988abjjy

People have a fascination for small objects d’art.

The intricacy of small works intrigue and mystifies us.

Rest Stop is the poignant depiction of the dependency of this Inuk on his sled and his dog.

Although the Skidoo has largely replaced the dog sled teams we associate with the Far North, we can all relate to the special relationship between Man and his Dog.

This Inuit man is completely reliant on his dog and his sled in order to survive as he travels through the harsh Arctic lands.

This would be a perfect gift for the dog lover in your life.


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